Travel Funds and Academic-Related Awards

A diverse range of academic grants and travel funds are available to Pembroke students during their time at the College, intended to help them to undertake further study or research alongside their degree. For course-specific travel funds, check our course pages. Availability of these funds may vary each year.

The George Bredin Travel Fund

For Undergraduate students

  • The George Bredin Travel Fund is available to 1st and 2nd year undergraduates at Pembroke
  • The awards are for travel to third world countries, with preference for countries in Africa, to carry out research for an educational project.
  • One award is typically made annually. In 2019 the award was worth £500.

Sandrew Travel Fund

For Undergraduates & Graduates

  • The Sandrew Travel Fund is available to non-final year undergraduates and graduates for travel to the United States.
  • The purpose of travel must be to gain a greater understanding of the culture of the US and to benefit academically.
  • Typically one fund is made annually. In previous years the award has been worth £500.

The Arthur Felix Broomfield Prize

For Undergraduates

  • This prize is for 2nd year undergraduates reading History (including Joint Schools) for an area of travel to be undertaken outside of the British Isles.
  • In previous years the total fund available has been £750.

Patrick Higgins Travelling Scholarships in Theology

For Undergraduates

  • This prize is for undergraduates reading Theology, Philosophy and Theology or Theology and Oriental Studies, who wish to travel overseas in the furtherance of their education.
  • In previous years the total fund available has been £250.

The Robert Baldick Travel Prize

For Graduates

  • This prize is available for graduate students undertaking any French related study abroad.
  • In previous years the total fund available has been £1000.

Melandra Castle Fund

For Graduates

  • Applications are invited from graduate students who are completing their second year of study and continuing the next year. The purpose of the award is to meet academic (including travel) costs in the furtherance of the applicant’s research.
  • In previous years the total fund available has been £1000.

Stanley Ho Travel Funding for China 

For Undergraduates & Graduates

  • The fund is available to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates studying Chinese at Pembroke and for students on the MPhil Modern Chinese Studies
  • The fund is for travel to China connected to the student's study of Chinese
  • The award is worth £250 and up to 12 awards can be offered annually

Technos International Week

For Undergraduates

  • Undergraduate students are invited to apply for an opportunity to travel to Japan for 2 weeks to participate in the Annual Technos International Week, an important event in Japan that promotes exchange and understanding between international participants and the students of Technos International College.
  • In previous years, this award has been given to 4 Pembroke undergraduates a year, who are interested in Japan and have never had the opportunity to visit there, to travel with an accompanying faculty member. Find previous student reports below & here.
  • International Week normally takes place in weeks 8 and 9 of Trinity Term. Second year undergraduates will normally have priority, but others may apply.