
After WWI, in common with countless institutions and communities throughout the land, Pembroke proceeded with plans for a memorial to its fallen members. At the end of 1919, the new Master, Frederick Homes Dudden, who had been elected the day after the war ended, sent out a printed appeal for contributions to their relatives and "To all past and present members of the College whose addresses are known". The letter explained the proposal thus: "The College Chapel being generally recognised as the most fitting place for such a Memorial, it was decided to complete its scheme of decoration by filling with stained glass the window in the Ante-Chapel, the only window still plain, and to record beneath it the names of the fallen."

The letter had expressed the hope of raising "not less than £500". In the event, the printed list, which was subsequently circulated, gave the names of 205 donors whose contributions, together with accrued interest, amounted to no less than £712.8s.3d, of which £513.10s was duly paid to C.E. Kempe & Co. for the provision of the stained glass window. The memorial was dedicated by the Master on 7th December 1921 at a service which included the reading of the names of the fallen members.

The window depicts the crucifixion with the city of Jerusalem in the background. To the left, behind the cross, are three Jewish elders; to right St Mary and St John. In the centre is the Roman centurion with arm raised, pointing to Jesus, and, above and behind, his words of witness (Matthew, chapter 27, verse 54) "Vere hic homo Filius Dei erat" ("Truly this man was the Son of God"). The scene is framed by an arch surmounted by a plaque bearing the sacred monogram, IHS, above which sits a figure with a scroll inscribed "In memoriam erit justus" ("The memory of the just is blessed"). The two supporting pillars are each headed by a plaque with the text "Obediens usque ad mortem" ("Obedient even to death"). Before the left hand pillar stands St George, the flag with his red cross on a staff in his right hand and a shield bearing the three lions passant rampant of England in his left.  In front of the opposite pillar is St Andrew with his saltire cross on his shield. No doubt these patron saints refer to King James I and VI.

At the foot of the window, in the centre, on a plaque flanked by angels, is the inscription "In piam memoriam Alumnorum Collegii Pembrochiae qui pro patria militantes vitam profuderunt hanc fenestram ornandam curaverunt amici" ("To the sacred memory of the alumni of Pembroke College who gave their lives as soldiers for their country, their friends have dedicated this window"). This was composed by H.L. Drake, Classics Fellow and Senior Tutor.

On the panelling beneath the window are two wooden plaques with the names of the fallen, listed in the chronological order of their deaths. Originally these were reckoned as 59 in number, but, in June 1931, the College determined to add a further name, that of Archibald James Gorrie. Following the Second World War, two further such plaques, identical in design, were added, carrying the names of the 51 members who died in that conflict.  All four plaques carry the subscription "Their name liveth for evermore."