Oxford Students' Most Acclaimed Lecturer in the Humanities: Professor Andy Orchard


Oxford University Student Union (OUSU) presents Teaching Awards each year in celebration of exceptional tutors, lecturers, supervisors and support staff. 

The 2015 Award for Most Acclaimed Lecturer in the Humanities was presented to Professor Andy Orchard, Fellow of Pembroke and the University's Rawlinson and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon. 142 nominations were received from students across the University for the Most Acclaimed Lecturer category, with four names making it to the shortlist for the Humanities Divsion.

James Blythe, OUSU Vice-President for Access and Academic Affairs commented: "The OUSU Teaching Awards are a wonderful occasion, where we get to celebrate the academics and support staff who really go beyond the normal level to provide exceptional support for their students."

To listen to Professor Orchard lecturing on The Craft and Cunning of Anglo-Saxon Verse, visit the English Faculty podcast page.