The Ordered Universe at Cheltenham Science Festival


Dr Hannah Smithson, Pembroke Fellow in Experimental Psychology, is a key collaborator in a study of how a medieval bishop’s theories inspired modern thinking about colour conception and the rainbow.

The Bishop in question, Robert Grosseteste, was a medieval scholar whose investigations into the nature of light - De colore (On Colour), De iride (On the Rainbow), and De luce (On light) - provide a unique insight into the longer story of human understanding of natural phenomena.

Dr Smithson and her colleagues' work focuses not only on increasing our understanding of colour and natural phenomena but also aims to engage the public by recreating Robert Grosseteste's experiments.

Most recently Dr Smithson and The Ordered Universe team presented at the Cheltenham Science Festival in 2015 and have been published in The Conversation which can be found here.

A short video explaining more about The Ordered Universe Project can be found here.