Dr Elisabeth Kendall research in Yemen


Senior Research Fellow and Arabic specialist Dr Elisabeth Kendall has been working in Egypt and Yemen in the years following the outbreak of the Arab Spring in 2010.  Her research there started in Egpyt with a survey of public opinion in the aftermath of the revolution, and moved over time to the more specific study of the use of poetry in jihadist journals being published in Yemen.  

More recently, this led to Dr Kendall becoming an adviser to the Mahri tribespeople in Yemen as they sought to gather the views of their own people on plans for the reorganisation of federal regions in their country, which in turn precipitated the formation of an elected cross-tribal council.  

Dr Kendall continues to talk to governments and the UN about problems faced by the tribes in eastern Yemen and the associated political instability.

A full feature on Dr Kendall's work is available in the 31st July edition of THE Magazine - click here to read it.