Climb Every Mountain: Two Pembroke Students Complete the Three Peaks Challenge in Aid of Local Charities


Oxford life isn’t just about the libraries – our students do all sorts of interesting things in between lectures and tutorials, including climbing three mountains in one go!

Last month, fourth-year medical students Matthew Partridge (2020) and Ariana Minea (2020) took on the Three Peaks Challenge, attempting to climb Ben Nevis, Sca Fell Pike and Snowdon, the three tallest peaks in the UK, within 24 hours. This impressive feat aimed to raise money for two local charities – Oxford University Hospital Charity and Restore – as part of Tingewick, a fundraising group led by medical students at Oxford.

The group from Tingewick at the base of their first climb.


Between the 18th and 20th of April, Matthew and Ariana joined a group of 24 medical students to embark on their mountainous challenge. The group started with Ben Nevis, before moving on to Sca Fell Pike and completing the tour with Snowdon for a total of 39 kilometres with over 3000 metres of ascent.

“Spirits were high for the entirety of the first hike,” Ariana shared. “We were incredibly lucky to have a sunny day with a clear sky. On the way to the summit we encountered several hikers on the way down, many of whom had crampons for the icy snow. We braved our way to the top and ended up sliding down on the way back to our cars.”

The group from Tingewick at the peak of one of their three climbs.


But climbing the peaks was only part of the challenge – getting between the three, spread across Scotland, England and Wales respectively, within the time limit is enough of a feat in itself.

“Some students drove in between the hikes, not getting any sleep,” Ariana continued. “Matthew got in the car at 11pm, with two cans of Aldi Red Thunder and a dream to make it to Sca Fell Pike on time. Some parents were kind enough to volunteer their time, chauffeuring across three countries.”

The view from Ben Nevis.


Have you got up to anything exciting in your time outside the libraries? Let us know at!