Dr Rob McMahon
I did not find studying easy when I was an undergraduate in PPE (New College, 1991-1996). I came from a school in Hackney and found the adjustment hard. I ended-up teaching as a lecturer in Politics here at Oxford and thought I had seen both sides of "it," studying and teaching at Oxford. This Study Skills Tutor post - which did not exist when I was a student - appealed for one reason: I thought I could make a difference: I will let my students comment on whether I have done so - but I took the post because I genuinely believe even very bright students (all of you!) need help sometimes.
1996-99 Nuffield College, University of Oxford
D.Phil. Politics: An Examination of Bureaucratic Motivations in the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Environment Agency for England and Wales. Awarded the Doctorate in November 1999.
1991-1996 New College, University of Oxford
M Phil. Politics: Four first grades in four papers. Position three in year group. Thesis subject: an analysis of four models of bureaucratic motivation – the US Environmental Protection Agency
B.A. (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and Economics. Upper 2:1
Cardinal Pole School, Hackney, London
1989-1991 A Levels in Sociology, History and English. All at Grade A.
1983-1989 GCSE’s 5 A grades; 4 B grades
Academic awards
2010 – 2011 Visiting Fellow, Rothermere American Institute – University of Oxford
1999-2001 HM Treasury Fast Stream Training Programme: Accreditations in: Numeracy and Statistics, Level 2; Accountancy and Finance, Level 2; Management Level 2; Public Administration, Level 2.
1996-98 ESRC Funded Scholarship £6,495 p.a. Awarded to top 4% of applicants.
1996 Nuffield College Student Award. Awarded to top 2% of candidates. Declined in favour of ESRC award.
2014: Government and Politics of the United States (Third Edition) Co-Authored with Professor Nigel Bowles – Palgrave MacMillan
The new edition of this textbook (publication date March 2014) has been fully revised and updated. However, I also overhauled the structure of the book – providing two new chapters at the start of the book to allow undergraduate and graduate students to delve deeper into the ‘political culture’ of the US and its role in helping students better to understand the government and politics of America.
The Environmental Protection Agency: structuring motivation in a green bureaucracy January 2006 – Sussex Academic Press – 190 page book
“Changing the organization but maintaining the culture: The centrality of organizational mission to the reform process. An overview of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Environment Agency for England and Wales.” The International Journal for Strategic Change Volume 13, Issue 6, Date: September/October 2004, Pages: 323-332
Hine, David and Robert McMahon. 2004. “Ethics management, cultural change, and the ambiguities of European Commission reform”. Working paper, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford”. Paper delivered to the Conference: Governance and Political Ethics, Universite de Montreal, May 14-15 2004
The Mismatch of structures and cultures in a new green bureaucracy and the problematic creation of the Environment Agency
This article was been granted a ‘revise and resubmit’ at the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Politics. My D.Phil. work has already been cited in the autumn 2002 volume of this journal (see the article by D. Bell and T. Gray, Environmental Politics: Vol 11, No 3, autumn 2002). The article was not re-submitted because of my career move from research to teaching at Radley College in the summer of 2004.
Dr Rob McMahon
I did not find studying easy when I was an undergraduate in PPE (New College, 1991-1996). I came from a school in Hackney and found the adjustment hard. I ended-up teaching as a lecturer in Politics here at Oxford and thought I had seen both sides of "it," studying and teaching at Oxford. This Study Skills Tutor post - which did not exist when I was a student - appealed for one reason: I thought I could make a difference: I will let my students comment on whether I have done so - but I took the post because I genuinely believe even very bright students (all of you!) need help sometimes.
1996-99 Nuffield College, University of Oxford
D.Phil. Politics: An Examination of Bureaucratic Motivations in the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Environment Agency for England and Wales. Awarded the Doctorate in November 1999.
1991-1996 New College, University of Oxford
M Phil. Politics: Four first grades in four papers. Position three in year group. Thesis subject: an analysis of four models of bureaucratic motivation – the US Environmental Protection Agency
B.A. (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and Economics. Upper 2:1
Cardinal Pole School, Hackney, London
1989-1991 A Levels in Sociology, History and English. All at Grade A.
1983-1989 GCSE’s 5 A grades; 4 B grades
Academic awards
2010 – 2011 Visiting Fellow, Rothermere American Institute – University of Oxford
1999-2001 HM Treasury Fast Stream Training Programme: Accreditations in: Numeracy and Statistics, Level 2; Accountancy and Finance, Level 2; Management Level 2; Public Administration, Level 2.
1996-98 ESRC Funded Scholarship £6,495 p.a. Awarded to top 4% of applicants.
1996 Nuffield College Student Award. Awarded to top 2% of candidates. Declined in favour of ESRC award.
2014: Government and Politics of the United States (Third Edition) Co-Authored with Professor Nigel Bowles – Palgrave MacMillan
The new edition of this textbook (publication date March 2014) has been fully revised and updated. However, I also overhauled the structure of the book – providing two new chapters at the start of the book to allow undergraduate and graduate students to delve deeper into the ‘political culture’ of the US and its role in helping students better to understand the government and politics of America.
The Environmental Protection Agency: structuring motivation in a green bureaucracy January 2006 – Sussex Academic Press – 190 page book
“Changing the organization but maintaining the culture: The centrality of organizational mission to the reform process. An overview of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Environment Agency for England and Wales.” The International Journal for Strategic Change Volume 13, Issue 6, Date: September/October 2004, Pages: 323-332
Hine, David and Robert McMahon. 2004. “Ethics management, cultural change, and the ambiguities of European Commission reform”. Working paper, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford”. Paper delivered to the Conference: Governance and Political Ethics, Universite de Montreal, May 14-15 2004
The Mismatch of structures and cultures in a new green bureaucracy and the problematic creation of the Environment Agency
This article was been granted a ‘revise and resubmit’ at the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Politics. My D.Phil. work has already been cited in the autumn 2002 volume of this journal (see the article by D. Bell and T. Gray, Environmental Politics: Vol 11, No 3, autumn 2002). The article was not re-submitted because of my career move from research to teaching at Radley College in the summer of 2004.