Dr Martin Shotter

Stipendiary Lecturer in Physics

I am a Lecturer in Physics at Pembroke College, Oxford. I tutor a range of subjects throughout the Oxford Physics and Physics and Philosophy degrees, including Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Electromagnetism, and Atomic and Laser Physics.

My research interests lie in investigating and testing the foundational structure of quantum theory. Despite the maturity and tremendous success of quantum theory there are still fundamental issues which have been unresolved since the theory’s inception; prominent amongst these is the nature of the quantum wavefunction; the intersection of quantum, classical and gravitational realms; and the status of the Born rule relating to wavefunction collapse. I seek to refine the theoretical understanding of potential solutions to these issues and to look ahead to future opportunities for experimental investigation in this area.

An undergraduate at Oxford myself, I opted to stay on at the university for my DPhil (PhD), in which I researched the many-body quantum states of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. After my DPhil I was selected for a Lindemann Fellowship, joining the Quantum Metrology research group at the National Institute for Standards and Technology, in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. On my return to Oxford, I was appointed to a Lectureship in Physics at Wadham College, before joining Pembroke College in 2019.

Dr Martin Shotter

Stipendiary Lecturer in Physics

I am a Lecturer in Physics at Pembroke College, Oxford. I tutor a range of subjects throughout the Oxford Physics and Physics and Philosophy degrees, including Quantum Mechanics, Mathematical Physics, Electromagnetism, and Atomic and Laser Physics.

My research interests lie in investigating and testing the foundational structure of quantum theory. Despite the maturity and tremendous success of quantum theory there are still fundamental issues which have been unresolved since the theory’s inception; prominent amongst these is the nature of the quantum wavefunction; the intersection of quantum, classical and gravitational realms; and the status of the Born rule relating to wavefunction collapse. I seek to refine the theoretical understanding of potential solutions to these issues and to look ahead to future opportunities for experimental investigation in this area.

An undergraduate at Oxford myself, I opted to stay on at the university for my DPhil (PhD), in which I researched the many-body quantum states of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. After my DPhil I was selected for a Lindemann Fellowship, joining the Quantum Metrology research group at the National Institute for Standards and Technology, in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA. On my return to Oxford, I was appointed to a Lectureship in Physics at Wadham College, before joining Pembroke College in 2019.