Dr Beatrice Krebs
My main area of expertise is the law of complicity (also known as joint criminal enterprise). I have been associated with Oxford since 2005, first as a student (BA, DPhil) and subsequently as an academic teaching Criminal Law, Tort and Contract at various colleges. Since 2017, I have been an Associate Professor at the University of Reading, School of Law, where I teach Criminal Law and Criminology. I am also an Academic Member of Libertas Chambers which (amongst other areas of law) specialises in high-profile criminal defence work.
Krebs, B., ‘Does complicity require a measurable contribution?’ (2023) Journal of Criminal Law, 87(4) 294-298
Krebs, B., ‘Characterising joint criminal enterprises’ (2023) Journal of Criminal Law, 87(3) 223-226
Krebs, B., ‘Overwhelming supervening acts, fundamental differences, and back again?’ (2022) Journal of Criminal Law, 86(6), 420-440
Krebs, B. (ed), Accessorial Liability After Jogee (2020, Hart Publishing)
Dr Beatrice Krebs

My main area of expertise is the law of complicity (also known as joint criminal enterprise). I have been associated with Oxford since 2005, first as a student (BA, DPhil) and subsequently as an academic teaching Criminal Law, Tort and Contract at various colleges. Since 2017, I have been an Associate Professor at the University of Reading, School of Law, where I teach Criminal Law and Criminology. I am also an Academic Member of Libertas Chambers which (amongst other areas of law) specialises in high-profile criminal defence work.
Krebs, B., ‘Does complicity require a measurable contribution?’ (2023) Journal of Criminal Law, 87(4) 294-298
Krebs, B., ‘Characterising joint criminal enterprises’ (2023) Journal of Criminal Law, 87(3) 223-226
Krebs, B., ‘Overwhelming supervening acts, fundamental differences, and back again?’ (2022) Journal of Criminal Law, 86(6), 420-440
Krebs, B. (ed), Accessorial Liability After Jogee (2020, Hart Publishing)