LCLC Summer School

PAST EVENT | 30 June 2014 09:30 - 04 July 2014 16:30

Pembroke and The Open University have jointly organised a summer school week for students and staff who are part of the London School of Languages and Cultures (LCLC).

The residential summer school is being hosted here in College and we are delighted to welcome all participants who have a busy week of seminars and study sessions ahead.

LCLC is supported by The London School's Excellence Fund.

LCLC Summer School

PAST EVENT | 30 June 2014 09:30 - 04 July 2014 16:30

Pembroke and The Open University have jointly organised a summer school week for students and staff who are part of the London School of Languages and Cultures (LCLC).

The residential summer school is being hosted here in College and we are delighted to welcome all participants who have a busy week of seminars and study sessions ahead.

LCLC is supported by The London School's Excellence Fund.