The Future Role of Research Libraries

PAST EVENT | 24 March 2014 17:30

Dame Lynne Brindley, Pembroke's Master, will address an audience at the National Library of Singapore as part of their Prominent Speaker Series.

Dame Lynne's talk will consider the possible future shape and roles of the research library in the 21st century.  It will look at changing communications and use of technologies, particularly by children, and will reflect on the enduring values and purpose of libraries.  Digital publishing trends will be outlined.  More detailed consideration will be given to some key functions and how they are changing: digital acquisition and archiving; digitisation of legacy collections; open publishing, data and copyright; discovery and navigation; and the future of the physical library.  The talk will conclude that if libraries continue to adapt appropriately they can play an essential part in the 21st century information environment.

For more information see the website of The Natiional Library of Singapore

The Future Role of Research Libraries

PAST EVENT | 24 March 2014 17:30

Dame Lynne Brindley, Pembroke's Master, will address an audience at the National Library of Singapore as part of their Prominent Speaker Series.

Dame Lynne's talk will consider the possible future shape and roles of the research library in the 21st century.  It will look at changing communications and use of technologies, particularly by children, and will reflect on the enduring values and purpose of libraries.  Digital publishing trends will be outlined.  More detailed consideration will be given to some key functions and how they are changing: digital acquisition and archiving; digitisation of legacy collections; open publishing, data and copyright; discovery and navigation; and the future of the physical library.  The talk will conclude that if libraries continue to adapt appropriately they can play an essential part in the 21st century information environment.

For more information see the website of The Natiional Library of Singapore