Dining in College, the Oxford MA & Transcripts
If you can't find the information you need please contact the Development Team on development@pmb.ox.ac.uk and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible.
The College invites alumni to use their dining rights once each academic year with a guest. Please note that there are a total of four places available at any one High Table guest night. On the first occasion the College will cover the cost of the meal and drinks for the alumnus/na, provided this is taken up within three years of leaving the College.
When can I dine?
Guest nights are normally Tuesdays, Thursdays and most alternate Sundays in Term Time.
What is the cost?
The price, where chargeable, is £60pp including all drinks and College dessert (subject to availability).
What is the format of the evening?
Guest Night evenings start at 6.30pm with drinks in Broadgates Hall, followed by dinner at High Table in Hall at 7.10 pm. The evening ends after College Dessert taken in the SCR Dining Room and coffee served in Broadgates Hall. Guests usually depart at around 9.45pm.
The dress code on Sunday evening Guest Nights is black tie, and on weeknights is lounge suits or equivalent. Seating plans are often in place with different seating configurations for SCR Dessert to ensure a lively exchange for all-comers.
How to book
To see availability and to book on to High Table please click here. Please contact Emma Leader in the Development Office at emma.leader@pmb.ox.ac.uk or 01865 276461 with any queries.
Please note:
The exercise of this right is at all times subject to availability, so please book in plenty of time. We do sometimes have to cancel a High Table if numbers signed up are too small. We make every effort to avoid this and notify alumni diners who have booked for that evening as soon as possible.
For Graduates and Undergraduates
Final transcripts are centrally produced University and are available for all students who have completed their programme of study (course). To access these, share verified copies with third parties and to request additional new copies, please visit the University's eDocuments Service.
Further information about this can be found on the following pages: Academic transcripts, eDocuments and eDocuments Help and FAQs. Please note, we are unable to request these on your behalf.
For students who commenced their studies prior to Michaelmas Term 2007 the Academic Office can provide a statement giving details of dates of attendance, degree course(s), examinations taken, marks achieved and degree class. This is normally accepted as sufficient evidence. Please email the Academic Office to arrange this.
For Visiting Students
Transcripts for visiting students are compiled by the Academic Office and Dean of Visiting Students and include reports and grades from tutors on each course undertaken during the academic year. These transcripts are sent to the students' home universities by 31 July of each year, provided all outstanding charges to the college are paid in full.
The Oxford MA
Those in possession of a BA may apply to receive their MA seven years after matriculating. In Oxford (as in Cambridge), the status of Master of Arts is a mark of seniority within the University which may be conferred twenty-one terms after matriculation. The Oxford MA is about reaching a new status within the University, it therefore has no subject or class.
The University charges a fee of £100 for the conferral. Please contact degreeceremonies@pmb.ox.ac.uk for further information.
Degree certificates are issued automatically by the University following a degree ceremony taking place. For those attending in person, you will receive this on the day of your ceremony. Those who graduate in absentia will receive this via post within three months of your conferral taking place. Each graduate is entitled to one copy free of charge of a standard certificate for each degree which has been formally conferred on them, whether in person or in absence.
Additional copies of Degree Certificates cannot be ordered, however if your Degree Certificate is lost, stolen or damaged, you can order a replacement certificate at a cost of £40. This can be done via the University website where you can also find further information on certificates. Please note that certificates can only be applied for after your degree has been conferred.