Dr Nicole Miranda Serves as Scientific Advisor for UK Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee (EAC)



During the UK Environmental Audit Committee’s 25th Anniversary at Imperial College earlier this year, Pembroke Lecturer in Engineering Dr Nicole Miranda pitched for the Committee to launch an inquiry on heat adaptation in the UK. She won this pitch and last month, the EAC started gathering evidence for an inquiry titled ‘Heat Resilience and Sustainable Cooling’.

Dr Miranda will be serving as a scientific advisor for this inquiry, which aims to understand how we can learn to live with rising temperatures in the UK, and what action needs to be taken to adapt to their effects. To do this, the inquiry will “look at the relationship between heat and health; examine the adequacy of current Government policies in relation to current and future need for cooling; and consider what measures could be taken to increase adaptation and resilience to rising temperatures.”

To follow this inquiry and find more details, you can visit the UK Parliament’s website here.

Dr Nicole Miranda smiles at the camera in front of Pembroke's Old Quad.